Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our little darling

Katie had her one year check up back in the middle of June. Who would guess that she is still crazy tall for her age. She was 100% for height, a little over 33 inches, and weight, 26 lbs. and her head was about 97%. She would still be the biggest girl out of a group of 100 girls her age. I of course am loving it. With that one year check up came a cold, pink eye, ear infection in both ears and strep throat all withing the same week. This was the week Katie and I had gone out to Tennessee to visit my family. So, our little vacation consisted of a very tired and sick baby, one trip to the emergency room, one trip to the doctor, several trips to the drug store. Needless to say, it wasn't very relaxing for anyone. Since then, Katie has spent several days with me at home running errands, eating lunch with daddy, swimming, going to the Little Rock zoo, watching fireworks and swinging. We have had a pretty fun summer so far. We took some one year pictures on June 30th. I will try to post some soon. We have had a sneak peek so far on the photographers blog and can't wait to see the rest. I will put a link to her blog on our page but the site is mistyjohnson and then you would click on the box that says blog. We are going to try and go to Tennessee again this Thursday and I think this will be a much better trip and hopefully we can get some good pictures of Katie with her cousins Caroline and Grace. Oh, and Katie is doing really well walking holding to things. She wants to stand and walk so badly but just can't quite do it yet. I think she will have it down by the end of the summer.

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